Life Update (3-29-23)

 So right here, with just a couple of days until rent is do, we just got a call from SSA. Seems my wife does not get SSI for the reason we thought. She has MS and that should have been what it was for but it is not.

Seems their computer system say she get it for some mental thing, I say some because they could not tell her what it was. Which is weird because she says she never seen a shrink before she got approved. There is nothing wrong with her state of mind but she does have an IQ that is 80 or below. She is slightly (R word should go here but that is thought of as rude.) She's not stupid but just simply a little slow and not much at that.

They are going to set her up with a shrink and then say if she can have her SSI. Not sure if she will have this coming months check or not. We will find out the same day rent is do. She has hud so I'll be able to cover rent and the power bill, but will I be able to keep my job.

My job is based on her having MS, not being able to walk on her own, and most likely because of the low IQ. If she loses her SSI will she lose her Medicaid? Will she still qualify for the program that give her a care giver? That's my job, that I have been doing out of love for years until we found out about this program. She should be able to keep her Medicaid, but can she still be on the program? If not I am out of a paying job and we will not be able to pay the rent, if she loses her SSI and is off the program.

Right now we don't know what to do and the only person we can call for help could get us kicked off the program. That is not something I think she would mean to do but she does work for a homeless system that does not work. If she was to call and ask about the program that could clue them in and screw us. She will not understand that we can fight their decision if it goes bad for her (us). Our "help" has never been a part of the system, only works for it, so does not know how things work.

My wife already had to fight them 12 times to get it back after she became 18. Not something she can really do again with not being able to walk and maybe being homeless in a system that does not care.

All we can do is wait and see, do all the fighting back we can if it goes badly. I'm a fighter but she is not and we are both done with others having a say in our lives... and fucking us over when things just start to be as they should. Know any one that wants to hire a 55 year old man with heart failure?

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