When life starts to work...

 ... then it can soon turn to crap. I might lose my day job and we may lose the apartment.

We got the apartment because my wife is disabled and gets a disability check. My "job" is taking care of her. There is a care giver program for older people and the disabled, I now work for a company that provides that service here locally.

Well, today she got paper work to fill out, like she was just applying for SSD. She got this because the SSA, once a year, updates a persons records to adjust their income for Cost of Living. They call it COLA, a Cost of Living Adjustment. It seems, this year, they passed it on for more investigation and now has more paper work from the state to fill out. 

If she is denied, she will lose her check and I will lose my job as the state will no longer pay for a care giver. I don't know why or how they would but the paperwork looks like a new claim, like she has just now applied (Most first time claims get denied). She has had MS from the age 11, she has been on SSI almost her whole life. This is something that runs in her family.

I'm not sure what to do. We will get the paper work filled out and turned in, keep our faith that G-D wants the best for us.

Please agree with us in prayer that HaShem (G-D) will keep us strong in faith and lead us to his will.


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